workshops & Courses 

All workshops and courses take place in a safe, nurturing, supportive and gentle environment, where each person is accepted and treated with love and respect for who they are and where they are at in their lives. It is an opportunity for growth, expression, discovery, realisation and adventure that we share and celebrate together.


There are a number of workshops running throughout the year covering various aspects of Psychology, Self Discovery, Spiritual and Personal Development, Empowerment, Transformation and the Mystical Arts that will be displayed and updated on this page

christmas workshop


Learn how to make magical wreaths for good fortune, gather and use sacred herbs for clearing negative energies, create a blessed space for your celebrations, be part of a magical ritual for universal peace, make a real Christmas wish come true, take part in a festive meditation for inner harmony


The year’s course is a series of eight one day workshops running approximately six-weekly throughout the year in both Somerset and Hampshire. We use the significance and energy of the Seasons and the Festivals, Psychology and the Mystical Arts to bring about profound Transformation, Deep Understanding of the Self, Connectivity to all that is, Balance, Wholeness & Completeness


“letting go of the past”

“Awakening your inner beauty”

“reach for the sun’

“reaping what we sow”

“the law of manifestation”

“the magic of darkness and light”

“finding the answers within”



The course starts in February with “Hope” and is symbolised by the Snowdrop, which against the adversity of winter, makes its way from darkness through the hard earth into the growing light to emerge as a symbol of pure Intention, Strength and Hope



The second element of the course is “Letting Go of the Past” where we will use the significance of Good Friday and Easter Sunday for diminishing aspects of the past that no longer serve us and for birthing our Authentic Self


This third element of the course is all about the Power of Passion that is linked to the roots of our May Day festivals when maidens would prepare themselves for love. We will use the energy of ‘Beltane’ to awaken our unique inner Beauty and ignite our Passion


For the fourth element of the course we connect with and use the power of the Summer Solstice Sun to shine and reveal to us our true potential and to empower us to reach for our dreams


The fifth element of the course harnesses the energy of the first harvest, ‘Lammas’, the grain harvest. The sun is enriching and becoming more golden and now yields to us the gifts of our labours and we can finally reap what we have sown


In the sixth part of the course we powerfully connect with the rich and abundant energy of the Autumn Equinox and gain a collective understanding of the Law of Manifestation and how to use it to enrich our lives


All Hallows brings about the seventh part of the course and enables us to focus on the mysteries and practicalities of magic and to bring light into the shadows of our unconsciousness and to initiate the sacred transformation of the Self


In the stillness of Yule and the anticipation of the growing light, we embark on the final part of the course, where we journey deep within ourselves to our very core for Revelation, Restoration and Rejuvenation

workshops & courses

For further details of all Workshops and Courses please contact Catherine using the buttons below: